Sunday, 25 January 2009

Le Salon de Thé de Joël Robuchon - 2

Decent afternoon tea(s) at Le Salon de Thé de Joël Robuchon.

Lime chocolate cake and coffee.
Crabmeat with avocado and tomato confit.
Hot chocolate.

Le Salon de Thé de Joël Robuchon
, Shop 315, The Landmark, Central, Hong Kong


Karelian said...

Nice pic Nice pic...我部相機壞了,可以換部新的學你影餐飽了~^_^

saintvenus said...

過獎了...我有時都係用電話影, 冇攝影技巧可言~ 我淨係識用普通DC, 我都好想好似其他人咁用DSLR, 出來效果會靚好多。

過左年, 你可以用0的利是錢資助下個新相機喎~ 想買邊種相機??

Karelian said...

仲諗緊..Canon DC都夠玩~其實影相靚第一是在乎"持機人",第二是"鏡頭",第三才是"相機".(呢個係專業攝影師經常講既.)所以閣下就算用電話影都有咁好的效果,已經好好啦~ 不過都好好奇閣下用什麼Brand 的DC呢?

saintvenus said...

我三部都係canon, 易用而且好易就影到0的相好靚! 不過我朋友話fuji都好好, 價錢平, 都可以考慮。

Karelian said...

Thanks for your information!!