Saturday 25 July 2009

Gravlax with orange salad

Normally I do not eat raw salmon, but Gravlax is an exception.

Gravlax is a signature dish in Northern European cuisine. It refers to fresh salmon preserved in the traditional method, using heavy salt, sugar and dill to cover the salmon, and then bury it in dry sand to ferment and cure for some time.

Gravlax with orange salad
(orange is not visible in this pic!!! LOL~)

I just learnt how to make Gravlax last week. It's easy. This method helps to remove the moisture in salmon, and thus the taste of fat and oil inside the fish become prominent. The texture also changed. It becomes more delicate and soft. The dill, sugar and grated orange and lemon peels make the Gravlax tastes clean and refreshing.

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