Sunday, 1 February 2009


First time to have 懷石料理 in Hong Kong.

海老芋豆腐 揚げ出し(前)、
若水菜と子持昆布 浸し 糸賀喜(後左)、
鮭ハラス燻製 青瓜浅漬(後右)
鯖、フォアグラ照焼 (右、中)、
ソフトシェルクラブロール (左)

The teriyaki foie gras sushi and soft shell crab rolls were clearly a result of fusion. The taste was fabulous and such use of western ingredients were still acceptable. At least it got along well with the overall arrangement of dishes.
吸物: 清汁仕立 蟹真丈、舞茸、鶴菜、柚子
造リ: 本鮪 (前)、寒鰤 (後左)、天然鯛 (後右) あしらい
鯟旨煮 海老芋 京人參 大黑占地 絹さや
鰤照焼 千枚蕪 はじかみ 青唐油焼
食事: 赤出汁
食事:こと沢庵混ぜ御飯 (前)、香の物 (後)
バナナのティラ ミス 小豆餡 バニラアイス マンゴー 莓

Though I understand that this meal had combined some fusion elements, this dessert was too westernized and did not suit with the previous dishes. I prefer to have the traditional Japanese desserts or fruits. Except for this dessert, the meal was delightful.

なだ万, Island Shangri-La Hong Kong, Pacific Place, Supreme Court Road, Central, Hong Kong

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